Corporate Strategy

Tailored financial strategies for audiovisual players and Stakeholders
Advisory Services
- Strategic Support and Operating Model Design
- Financial Modelling & Forecasting
- Finance Software Implementation (Chart of account and ERP)
- Target Operating Model Design
Transactional Services
- Transactional Services
- Financial Due Diligence
- Tax Due Diligence
- Corporate Finance Advisory
- Business Valuations
- Corporate Structuring
- Library evaluation
Deputy CFO services
- Management for the Board of the Directors and Shareholders meetings
- Support in negotiations with third-party companies (e.g.Vendors, Banks, Talents, Commissioners)
- Set internal procedures compliant with Group policies or best practices
- Drafting and monitoring of procedures
- Reporting Packages
- Cash management
- Definition of cash management procedures and PO system
- Monitoring of possible forms of soft money obtainable for individual projects carried out (in collaboration with Smart Consulting Group)
- Support the dialogue with Italian banks for activities related to advance payment and assignment of tax credits and contributions
- Optimization of cash flow and project budgets
- Overseeing and coordination of fiscal consultants’ activity
- Support to all civil/fiscal procedures required by the Italian Regulation (i.e. Antimoney loundering/AntiMafia/D. leg 231/01…)